Friday, February 04, 2011
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A Thousand Days - Sonnet XXV

The current selection from my ongoing book "A Thousand Days" is now available on the book page. I hope you have all been enjoying this work as much as I have. =D

Copyright ©2011 Michele Cameron Drew. All Rights Reserved.

Sunday, January 30, 2011
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An Angel's Prayers

An Angel's Prayers

An Angel's Prayers II

Copyright ©2011 Michele Cameron Drew. All Rights Reserved.

Saturday, January 29, 2011
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At Dawn

Awakening at dawn,
the sun's fingers unfolding,
trace rays of color,
across the far reaching hand,
of the sky.

—Michele Cameron Drew

Copyright ©2011 Michele Cameron Drew. All Rights Reserved.

Sunday, January 23, 2011
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Could a name be more befitting,
For a princess of such grace?
Shining like a heavenly star,
She fills your heart with hope and joy.

The hues of the northern lights,
Twinkling in her eyes,
As she gazes into your soul,
You will see it's reflection in her stare.

When she speaks to you of things,
In her woman-childish way,
Something reaches right from her soul,
And tugs at the strings of your heart.

Aurora is a reminder of all that has been,
And a hope for all that will be.
Mother Earth has been so kind,
To bless us with such beauty.

Copyright ©1996-2011 Michele Cameron Drew. All Rights Reserved.

Early prose, pulled from the closet, circa 1996.

Thursday, January 20, 2011
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Copyright ©2011 Michele Cameron Drew. All Rights Reserved.